The upcoming Christmas and New Year will bring some changes to ACE Logistics’ road transportation schedule, but like in previous years, we will try to keep the traffic as regular as possible during the holidays. Until 22.12, all the vehicles depart daily and even on 23.12 we have departures in most directions. The traffic continues even during Christmas and New Year, but route schedules may not be as fast as usual. ACE Logistics last departure to UK is scheduled on 17.12.2020 and starting from 4.01.2021 the new conditions will apply. In the direction of Finland, only the morning trucks leave in the period of 28.12.20-7.01.2021, which will be the reason, why most goods arrive to their destination at least a day later.
ACE Logistics road transportation departure schedule during the holidays (trucks depart on days marked with an x):
We recommend making transport orders as early as possible, and it is also worth noting that during the holidays, pick-ups and distribution may take a little bit longer than usual. We have prepared a initial road transport departure schedule and reserve the right to make further changes to the table.
We would like to receive the import orders from Germany, Poland, Sweden and Finland no later than 2 days before the departure from the terminal, when bringing goods from other Western European countries, at least 1-3 working days must be added to the delivery time.
There are also departures for export during the holidays, but route schedules may not be as fast and routes between certain terminals may be overloaded or stopped due to the holidays.
For more information or in case special solutions are needed outside regular departures, please write to road@ace.ee and for air and sea transport airsea@ace.ee
ACE Logistics office and terminal opening hours during the holidays:
On 23.12 and 31.12 we are open from 08:00 to 15:00
28-30.12 we are open from 08:00 to 17:00
The office and terminal are closed from 24-25.12, 1.01 and on weekends
We wish everyone beautiful holiday season, a happy New Year’s Eve and let’s stay healthy!
ACE Logistics