ACE Logistics Belarus celebrates in October its 10th Birthday and because of such magical number (10.10.21 and 10th Birthday) we decided to interview their managing director Tatyana Efremova to get to know her better and introduce to all of you, as well as to have a short retrospective of the ten years in ACE Logistics Belarus and to discuss about its future plans.
Firstly, please speak about yourself, about your background?
My first education was a teacher of English and social pedagogue, where I worked for five years. I started working at school as a teacher of English already when I was a student and after graduation in the same year I entered another university – Economic Belarussian State University for Law, so I worked and studied again. At the same time, I got married and we got a son, who is 16 by now. After finishing my maternity leave, I left school and went to work for a transport company as a lawyer (a Russian holding with more than hundred trucks). Altogether I worked there for eight years and through promotion I left the company as a managing director. After that, I was hired as a regional director for ACE Logistics Belarus, which was in 2015.
How was the beginning in new company?
That time there were only two people working for ACE Logistics Belarus and when I came, we hired two more people. We had road, air and sea, but no rail department at that time. Our first office was really small and in industrial area and the first thing I changed was the location.
Ignas Puluikis, who is the general manager of ACE Logistics Lithuania, was the managing director during that time for ACE Logistics Belarus and I learned a lot from him. First year was also financially not so good, but step by step we started growing, in terms of being more profitable as well in terms of employees. At the moment, we have 4 people in sales, 5 in operations and two in the accountant, but most likely by the end of the year we will look for two more salespeople.
What do you do in your spare time?
I study all my life, because I feel it is part of my life: I like the continuous improvement as well as it is good for the company, because it is important to grow together with the company – to develop your skills. At the moment I am studying at MBA course, which I will graduate next year and I am writing my master degree thesis about ACE Belarus new potential market Russia, because from the economic point of view I believe it is a very perspective market for Belarus.
I also love to travel a lot. I travel alone, with friends or with my son at every possibility. My favorite trip so far has been Dominican Republic, with its exotic nature and different culture. United Arab Emirates however enchanted me because of the fact how something so spectacular has been built up in a desert during last 50 years. I would like to visit as many countries as possible, but one of the dream destinations is Cuba, because of its nature and colorful culture. In addition, I love going to theatres, cinemas.
What do you think are the biggest achievements for you, both in personal life and in career?
I am proud of growing up my son for almost by myself, and of course I am proud of managing my life in good material level as well as, I am able to support my family and parents. From career perspective, I turned out from a simple young teacher to a managing director. So, I believe this is something I can be really proud of. I have the targets and goals from the group, but all the managing is independently in my own hands.
What are your personal dreams?
For me it is most important the future of my son. That he would make the right choices and gets into the university. For myself, I would like to have a partner in my private life, to love somebody and to be loved.
What are the greatest achievements for ACE Logistics Belarus?
Most important is, that the company is finally profitable. We are not growing as quickly as the other offices, but I am 100% convinced our people are making good job. I can rely on each part of our team and we have great professionals working with us. And thirdly, we start being recognizable on the Belarussian market with our good reputation as we are covering different kind of services with a really high level of customer service.
What are the future plans for ACE Logistics Belarus?
We started to develop our own CONSOL rail service as we are a transit country. In sales we are looking towards new market Russia (firstly to learn about the market), as well as to grow inside Belarus.
Last, but not least, how do you plan to celebrate your company’s Birthday?
Unfortunately, because of the pandemic situation, it is not possible to celebrate with a great party to our customers, but this time we will celebrate with our employees and thank our biggest customers with special presents. For the employees we have arranged an event with sport activities, cooking battle and celebrating diner with karaoke – so it will be a joyful celebration 😊.
In addition, I would like to add, that what ACE Logistics Belarus has now, is not only a result of our team, but as a result of the whole group, supporting its branches. The high level of managers, who give the possibility to grow and lead you towards the right way. A special big thanks to Ignas who has helped ACE Belarus for a very long time as his “small sister” 😊, who supported with experience and advice. Contracts and networks and agreements from the Baltic countries helped us in the beginning and are supporting us now. So, a big thanks to all the colleagues in the group for the results we now have!
ACE Logistics family thanks Tatyana and all the team for the successful first ten years and wishes many more prosperous years to come!