This year has been very difficult and full of changes both in terms of the future of the economy and consumer’s behavior. We have entered into recession and the tough times in the economy are likely to continue for some time. Despite of the difficult times, ACE Logistics has been busy and doing well in the last few months. However, it is good to bring out, that the volumes and turnover of our road transport shipments have continued to grow compared to last year.
ACE’s wide customer base includes those whose volumes have decreased in the current situation, as well as those whose workloads have increased instead. The continuous growth trend of aceB2C service, (business-to-customer service), is especially noticeable. Unfortunately providing this service is somewhat more expensive and more complicated than business-to-business services, and due to the significant increase in the costs of this service, we are forced to adjust the aceB2C service surcharge from 1.01.2023 compared to the standard service (aceFlex) from 10% to 18%.
Costs have also increased in other services. One of the biggest cost components for the transport service is fuel and due to the exceptional volatility of its price, we were forced to apply a fuel surcharge to road transport services this spring. Unfortunately, other costs (labour, energy, etc) have also increased significantly over the past year, which is why we also review the price offers of other services depending on the validity period of the offer, country, transport volumes and other circumstances. In this regard, we will contact our customers directly.
Changes apply also to the notification services of customers, when picking up or delivering goods via aceFlex and aceB2C services. While previously notification of goods delivery was mostly done by phone, it has been possible for some time to choose an “Automated Advice” notification from the e-environment, which means that the customer can choose a suitable time period for the delivery of the goods with the help of automatic notification. In the case of this solution, 5 euros + VAT will be added to the transport price. Starting from the new year, it is also possible to choose the calling service, but it costs 10 euros + VAT. The notification option is not necessary for the aceFlex service, but it is mandatory for the aceB2C service. You can find a detailed overview of the services and a brief description on the ACE Logistics road transport page.
In order to maintain a competitive service price level, we must be more and more efficient and automate our operations even more, which is why we are very grateful to all of our customers who use the e-ace order environment and price calculator. Due to the increased input costs over the years, we are forced to adjust the surcharge for manually placed road transport orders (e.g. via e-mail, by phone) from 5 euros, which has been valid for five years, to 10 euros + VAT. With a higher surcharge, we cover the extra time spent on manual entry of orders, but most of all we hope that thanks to this, we will be able to direct even more customers to use e-channels for ordering shipments, which will help us to increase efficiency in organizing transport in cooperation with our customers. To join the E-ace environment, you can fill out a request form here. As an exception, orders can also be made via our website without additional charge. This option is suitable for customers who only order a few shipments per year.
All changes in road transport services will apply from 01.01.2023. For additional information, please contact your customer service or write to road@ace.ee.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
We wish everyone a nice end of the year!
ACE Logistics