On 1st April, ACE Logistics Ukraine can say that despite of the short restart phase caused by the war, they continued and now can celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the company.
„The whole year was a great learning period for all of us. We once again saw the strength and professionalism of our team. The war caught all Ukrainians by surprise and we had to adapt with the new circumstances and change our plans and tasks accordingly,” said Olena Dashko, the managing director of ACE Logistics Ukraine. “I am happy to tell that we are confidently moving forward with increasing our capacity and our team, “ she adds.
All employees were working remotely for three months since the war started. One employee, was moved to head office in Estonia, where she worked for one year and now decided to return and work again for ACE Ukraine. Ukrainian team had to learn also to work in different conditions and locations like in the subways, basements and bomb shelters. “Sometimes we were in different parts of the world and still worked as one organisation. We have learned how to communicate in such situations to keep the service for clients and partners at the highest level as well as how to keep a positive attitude. Our service did not falter no matter the obstacles that came to us due to the war,” she proudly announced.
ACE Logistics, like all other companies in Ukraine, suspended its activities at the beginning of the war in February, but already in March 2022 decided to move forward, despite of everything. The customers began to revert to them for the delivery of goods. “When nobody else understood what to do next, how to work in logistics sector, we already knew how to handle the situations. Our team was very eager to help our country, population, military and government organizations. We did not stand aside and started the import of humanitarian and charitable aid, dual purpose cargo, personal protective equipment for the Armed Forces, goods of material and technical assistance between international partners (the EU, the USA, and other non-indifferent countries) and Ukraine, “ claimed Olena Dashko. “In general, all steps were taken to continue to develop all services. We were able to find solution through European seaports and airports, because everything was closed in Ukraine,“ claims the managing director.
ACE Logistics Ukraine moved its customs point to Lviv and re-arranged their Kiev’s office location to the building, where there was a bomb-shelter underneath. From 1st April 2023, ACE plans to open a second office in Lviv, which means there will be shortly two terminals in Ukraine: one in Lviv and one in Kiev. In addition to that this year’s focus is on developing sales activities in western part of Ukraine.
„It was not an easy year, but we did it as well as we could, considering the circumstances. I am proud that we managed to reorganize all the work processes so quickly. We were able to minimize losses and restart all our activities again,” states Olena Dashko. “It has been a rollercoaster for the company, considering that prior to the war there was Covid pandemic, but it has only made us even more strongly motivated as a team to fight for our homeland and to support it,” she adds.
ACE Logistics provides services in all over Ukraine, except to the active war regions.
Feel free to contact our team in Ukraine ace@acelogistics.ua .
Congratulations on the achievements during such extremely hard period!
The whole ACE Logistics Group sends their support and wishes ACE Ukraine a long-lasting and successful business!
ACE Logistics