As of 01.07.2022, Romania introduced the e-Transport system – an electronic system used to track the transport of high-risk goods by road in Romania. The two-year transition period will soon be over and as from 01.07.2024, the obligation to register shipments in Romania in the e-Transport system will apply. The obligation to register concerns consignments weighing more than 500kg or with a value of more than €2000.
The obligation to declare the goods remains unchanged and lies with the respective importer or exporter in Romania.
After entering the transport data, the system generates a unique UIT/ITU (identification transport) code. The UIT code is a 16-digit combination of letters and numbers used for further identification of the goods and must be indicated on the carrier’s accompanying document. The UIT code is valid for 15 days for international transport and 5 days for national transport.
Goods can be registered a maximum of 3 days before loading and at the latest on the day of loading. For the registration you need the name and the VAT number of the transport company, the license plate number of the truck used for the transport in Romania and the border crossing point. Once the goods have been registered in the system, the customer must send the UIT code to the transport company. Failure to comply with the registration obligation will result in the suspension of the transport and a fine.
For groupage shipments, please use the following information:
Carrier: DACHSER Romania SRL
VAT number: RO24056785
Car number: enter “dummy” when registering. Dachser will change it to the correct one later in the system.
Border crossing: Naglyak
Border crossing date: loading date + 3 working days for export consignments and 1 working day for import consignments
For part- and full loads, you can get the data of the carrier from our forwarder.
The UIT code for Romanian consignments can be entered in our online system or you can confirm to us that the goods do not need a UIT code.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. In case of any questions, please contact us at road@ace.ee or 6401401
ACE Logistics