The last three months have been very unpredictable and in constant change in terms of the future of the economy and consumer behavior. The health crisis is falling back, and restrictions are easing, but difficult times in economy are still likely to lie ahead. Despite the difficult times we have been busy and doing well in recent months. In April, ACE Logistics Group expanded to Ukraine, and in May ACE Logistics Estonia started operating in a new logistics center in Rae parish, Harju County. It is good to note that the volumes and turnover of our road transport consignments have not decreased significantly in recent months compared to last year.
ACE Logistics wide customer base includes those whose volumes have decreased in the current situation, but also those whose workload has increased. There is a particularly clear upward trend in business-to-consumer transport service, which is why, in response to demand, we have developed, together with our partner, new business-to-consumer transport services:
aceB2C – a business-to-consumer service where goods are delivered to the customer’s door or gate with a tail lift truck. The delivery time is agreed with the customer in advance. The service is valid in most European countries;
aceB2C plus – a business-to-consumer service where goods are delivered inside by one man. The maximum weight of one package is 30 kg and the dimensions are 120 x 60 x 60 cm. The service also includes the return of the transport package. The delivery time is agreed with the customer in advance. On working days, we can deliver the goods until 8 PM and on Saturdays until 12 PM. The service is valid in Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany and the Czech Republic;
aceB2C premium – a business-to-consumer service where goods are delivered inside by two men. One package can weigh up to 100 kg and have a maximum length of 240 cm. The service also includes the return of the transport package. The delivery time is agreed with the customer in advance. On working days we can deliver the goods until 8 PM and on Saturdays until 12 PM. The service is currently valid in Austria and Germany.
The new services will be available to all our customers in the e-ace from July 1, 2020. To ensure the quality and sustainability of existing and new services, the surcharge for the aceB2C service will be +10% compared to the standard service (formerly targoflex) and +20% for aceB2C plus. Delivery advice fee of 5€+ tax for booking a delivery time will be added to both services. From July, it is no longer possible to send goods to consumers using Targoflex service. aceB2C premium service is priced only on the basis of personal inquiries.
We have decided to rename the existing road transport services in the ACE Logistics Group countries by replacing the slightly foreign “targo” with our own term “ace”:
aceFlex – targoflex service – a standard and reliable service via terminals
aceFix – targoflex service with fixed delivery date
aceSpeed – express service targospeed, priority handling at terminals
aceSpeed12 – targospeed service with delivery before 12 PM
aceSpeed10 – targospeed service with delivery before 10 AM
aceFix12 – targoflex service with fixed delivery date before 12 PM
aceFix10 – targoflex service with fixed delivery date before 10 AM
Time definite services are available only in certain European counties. The part- and full-load services are now referred to as aceLTL/FTL and the special services are named aceSpecial.
Read more about new road transport services and descriptions on ACE Logistics road transport page.
All changes in road transport services and names will come into operation from July 1, 2020. For additional information, please contact our customer service or Sales Executives.
Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation!
We wish everyone a beautiful summer. Stay well!
ACE Logistics