This autumn, ACE Logistics Estonia celebrated 30 years of operation. The company started in 1992 in Tallinn airport with air transport. At this point, it would be appropriate to take a look at the history of the company through various locations via the memories of our senior employees. In the first year, the company had
On 1st of April, ACE Logistics Ukraine supposes to celebrate a second successful operational year with the management by Olena Dashko. However, things turned out rather differently, than it was ever expected. First year challenges came of course with Corona. The company had to teach new employees remotely, while they were in their homes instead
The quality and development of services are extremely important to ACE Logistics. We have worked hard and invested heavily in this. In particular, the wider adoption of IT has significantly increased the efficiency of our operations. As a result of which we have been able to keep the sales prices stable for years. Input costs,
ACE Logistics Belarus celebrates in October its 10th Birthday and because of such magical number (10.10.21 and 10th Birthday) we decided to interview their managing director Tatyana Efremova to get to know her better and introduce to all of you, as well as to have a short retrospective of the ten years in ACE Logistics
To date, we have audited the 2020 financial statements of ACE Logistics Group and we can be satisfied with another year of growth. The consolidated turnover of the group increased 15% compared to 2019 and reached 39 million euros. Despite a difficult year, the total number of shipments also increased by 14% and the Group’s
The sixth country organization of ACE Logistics Group, which is located in Kiev, Ukraine, was established on 1.April 2020 just in the middle of COVID first wave. The first year has been successfully completed and the CEO of the company, Olena Dashko, looked back to the year and shared her first impressions. She claims, that
Dachser Finland Oy, with the participation of ACE Logistics, opened a new logistics center in Kerava in October. The new terminal provides an opportunity to change the local distribution system and serve a significantly larger number of customers with better service quality. The energy efficiency of the logistics center is ensured by the solar panels
Üldine majanduskeskkond nii Eestis kui ka maailmas laiemalt on olnud positiivne juba pea kümnend ja hetkel veel ei ole ka näha selgeid märke selle trendi muutusest. Ekspertide prognoosid globaalse maailmamajanduse kasvuks 2018. ja 2019. aasta osas on jätkuvalt optimistlikud jäädes vahemikku 3-4%. Eesti oma väikse ja avatud majandusmudeliga sõltub otseselt välisturgudel toimuvast ja seega on
2018 aastal tähistavad oma 100. iseseisvumise aastapäeva kõik kolm Balti riiki. Kui Leedu tähistas oma 100. aastapäeva 16. veebruaril ja Eesti 24. veebruaril, siis Läti püsis Esimese maailmasõja käigus saksa vägede okupeerituna kuni 1918. aasta Novembrirevolutsioonini ja oma riik loodi 18. novembril Compiegne’i vaherahuga. Oleme otsustanud Läti 100. aastapäeva tähistada kampaaniaga. Kõik kliendid, kes tellivad
Euroopa sisesel kauba liikumisel on järjest suuremaks probleemiks teatud kaubagruppide vedude kontrolli all hoidmine. Politsei teostab küll pistelisi kontrolle, kuid osad riigid on loonud eraldi seiresüsteemid, mille eesmärk on kõrvaldada maanteekaubavedudel lüngad maksukogumise süsteemis. Näiteks Poolas jõustus juba 2017. aasta kevadel „Autovedude seiresüsteemi“ seadus mis kohustab kaubasaatjat, kaubasaajat ja vedajat registreerima teatud kaubagruppe. Enne veoprotsessi