To date, we have audited the 2020 financial statements of ACE Logistics Group and we can be satisfied with another year of growth. The consolidated turnover of the group increased 15% compared to 2019 and reached 39 million euros. Despite a difficult year, the total number of shipments also increased by 14% and the Group’s
From 1st January 2021, the transition time of the United Kingdom (UK) leaving from the European Union (EU) is over. This means that from 1st January 2021, trading with the UK will be subject to customs formalities. ACE Logistics last departure to UK is scheduled 17.12.2020 and starting from 4.01.2021 new conditions will apply. In
ACE Logistics Estonia will move to a new logistics center this May. The terminal will be moved to a new building on May 3rd. Office and warehouse will be moved during the next month as well. New more than 6,000 square meter office, warehouse and terminal space is located in Rukki tee 12, Lehmja, Harjumaa.
29. märtsil 2017 teatas Ühendkuningriik (ÜK) Euroopa Ülemkogule oma kavatsusest Euroopa Liidust (EL) välja astuda. Kuigi poliitikud püüavad jätkuvalt leida Brexiti kriisist väljapääsu, läheneb lahkumiskuupäev järjekindlalt. Kahe aasta pikkune läbirääkimiste periood lõpeb 29. märtsil 2019 ning lahkumisleping peaks jõustuma sellele järgneval päeval, s.o 30. märtsil 2019. Hetkel EL ja ÜK vahel peetavates läbirääkimistes on kaks